Beneva Mutual
With us, the protection is mutual

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Annual meeting of members

Participate in our annual meeting on Thursday, April 24, 2025, and be part of the decision-making!

If you are in a plan members’ group (for group insurance), the group’s plan sponsor will receive an invitation in October to choose one or several delegates from your group. The invitation will specify how many delegates and substitutes can be designated from each group and what information to provide.

If you are an individual member, announce your candidacy before December 31, 2024, by filling out this registration form.

Mutualism, strength in simplicity

What is a mutual?

A mutual is a company where members, united in solidarity, join forces to protect themselves against certain risks, such as accident or illness. It’s a democratic structure where everyone can contribute.

Principles of mutualism

Our strength lies in our values:

  • democratic powers of our members
  • mutual aid
  • fairness
  • engagement

Advantages of doing business with Beneva Mutual

We’re team players at Beneva Mutual. Our members can participate in decision-making. People are at the heart of our priorities. Since we don’t face the same return pressures as publicly traded companies, we take the time to really get things right. And our engagement? It includes concrete social and philanthropic actions for the community. We’re here to make a difference.

Who are our members?

You become a member* of our Mutual as soon as you take out an insurance policy with us. You then belong to one of the two types of members.

  • Group member: You have an annuity contract or group insurance, through your employer for example, or you are a professional covered by a professional liability group insurance policy underwritten by your professional order.
  • Individual member: You have one or more individual insurance contracts, whether for annuities or property and casualty insurance.

Together, you actively participate in our mutualist mission.

Good to know

If you are covered by Beneva group insurance, you are part of our mutual, even if another company manages your contract. This is what is called a contract managed by a third-party administrator (TPA) partner of Beneva.

However, under the mutual’s bylaws, for you to be recognized as a member, the plan sponsor is the only one who can participate in the delegate designation process.

Who can participate in annual meetings?

All our members may attend Beneva Mutual annual meetings. Keep an eye on this page for all the details. As for voting, that’s reserved for our delegates and administrators.

Got questions? We’ve got answers!

Members who act as delegates enjoy democratic decision-making. Since people are our top priority, we are committed to supporting the community through concrete social and philanthropic actions.

You can get involved by participating in annual meetings and, if you’re a delegate, by voting on items raised during meetings.

At an annual meeting, we start by presenting an overview of the past year. Then we release the financial statements. Members have a chance to ask questions and discuss various items. Finally, delegates and administrators vote on certain decisions and elections, if necessary. This is an important opportunity to be transparent and for members to participate in the life of the mutual.

You must be a group or individual member to become a Beneva Mutual director. Members can submit their candidacy in writing to the board secretary at [email protected] by February 15, prior to the annual meeting.

Keep in mind! Director positions are filled by members of the same category as the position up for election. For example, if a position is reserved for an individual member, only individual members may apply. If you belong to several categories (have both individual and group products), you can apply for a board position in either category.

Once the nomination period is over, the secretary sends the list of candidates to the selection committee, made up of current Beneva directors. This committee uses an evaluation grid to review candidates based on skills and board needs. Candidates chosen are then recommended to the board of directors before March 15.

The board introduces the selected candidates to members 30 days before the meeting. During the meeting, members will vote for the directors in their own category (group or individual). Directors are elected for a three-year term, renewable up to three times.