Traditional GIA

Enjoy the win-win of safety and performance.

Bonus! We increase return rates on deposits over $10,000.1

Up to 3.25%


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How does a Guaranteed Interest Account (GIA) work? Simply put, it's like lending your money to an institution for a term that you determine when you initially sign a contract.

At maturity, you get back all the money you “loaned”, plus predetermined and guaranteed interest. This play-it-safe option rules out the unexpected.


The basics

What do I need to consider?

The more you invest, the better the rate of return.

Bonus! We increase return rates on deposits over $10,000.1

Like a loan, your investment has a term that you choose with your advisor when signing a contract.

The longer the term, the more attractive the return rate.

These funds are then invested until the end of the contract, unless you choose a redeemable GIA. Just make sure you don’t have any plans for this money until then!

You have 2 options with a traditional GIA:

  • Redeemable GIA for the choice to make an early withdrawal. 2
  • Non-redeemable GIA for a more attractive rate, but you’ll have to wait until the maturity date to get your investment back.

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Beneva, a smart investment

We invest responsibly

Beneva only works with portfolio managers who are signatories to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment.

We personalize your strategy

We take great care in proposing diversified investments adapted to your profile. 

We keep your money safe

As a member company of Assuris, your investments are protected up to $100,000 or 90% of the benefit amount, whichever is higher.3

You can choose your beneficiary

When you invest with an insurer, you can designate a beneficiary to receive the balance of your account in the event of death. 

Equity Index GIA

Want a little more action? We’ve got a GIA for that.

Our Equity Index GIA strikes the balance between security and boldness: a portion of your capital accumulates guaranteed interest while the other is exposed to the stock market.

Fixed return:
Up to 3.25%

Variable return:
Up to 7.94%4 over 5 years

No risk