Group insurance: help your employees get a better understanding

Un employeur discute avec ses employés

Even though it’s very helpful, group insurance can seem complicated at times. It’s true. With its many benefits, options and terms of use, it can be challenging to fully grasp group insurance. That’s why you may have to educate your employees about it.

So here are a few tips that will allow you to skillfully enlighten your employees about group insurance. All suggestions are good, no?

Before going any further…

Is it really that beneficial to offer it to my employees?

Yes! There are so many group insurance benefits for your employees. Companies that offer group insurance improve their chances of attracting new talent. It’s a legitimate asset!

How to clearly explain what group insurance is to your staff

As you know, group insurance is a major asset for your employees. So, how can you quickly and efficiently make them understand what it is? Here’s a simple explanation to get you started:

Group insurance is a plan provided by an employer to all its staff members. It’s valuable. It protects the financial security of employees and their families, and it gives them access to a host of health benefits.

You might even say it’s a privilege.

And what about the benefits and eventual limitations?

So how can you present them all the benefits (saving on health benefits, extended coverage, etc.) or limitations (premiums, deductibles, etc.)? It’s easy when, once again, it’s presented as clearly as possible. What’s important is to inform them of the aspects that could have a direct impact on their lives. Your employees need to be able to take in all the information required for them to understand.

Any tricks?

Of course, and... We always have more than just one trick up our sleeve!

Provide the required information

First, make sure your colleagues have all the information they need, in either a paper or digital format. You probably have an intranet page, microsite or virtual space that all your staff members can access. That’s an ideal location to post the group insurance documents. There’s also email, the good old reliable way to send information. Regardless of how the information is communicated, the goal remains the same: provide answers to your people's questions, and ASAP.

Organize information sessions

A classic method. Organizing information sessions and raising awareness by experts can be part of your initiatives. You don't need 3-hour blocks to break down group insurance. Often, a short period is all it takes to meet everyone’s expectations. What’s important is to focus on what insurance offers, and that your employees are aware of the resources, coverages and benefits available to them. Make sure to include a question period.

Encourage communication

If you want a message to be received, it has to be well communicated.

So try to focus on individual exchanges between you and your employees to answer any lingering questions. And if you don’t have the answers, find the person who does. The above-mentioned communications will have been received, but there’s nothing like talking through questions in person.

To go further... 

To be able to properly inform your people about group insurance, make sure you’re up to speed first. And as it just so happens, there are excellent sources of information out there for you to read. So take advantage of them.

You can also lean on your internal experts, like human resources advisors or group insurance specialists.  And if you still need help, we’re always there, too.