8 benefits of driving an electric car

Une famille branche leur voiture

It’s simple math, really: every time the price of gas goes up, so does the popularity of electric vehicles. Have you been mulling over this option for your next car? Let’s take a look at some of the benefits that may just convince you to make the switch.

1. It’s better for the environment

When your gas-powered car reaches the end of its life cycle, replacing it with an electric car helps the environment.

It’s true that building electric vehicles (EV) requires a lot of resources, like lithium, aluminium and leather, and other metals that cause pollution during the mining process. Then you have to transport the cars to your local dealerships.

But that’s just part of the equation. To appreciate the true ecological footprint left by an EV, you have to take its entire life cycle into account. Its lifespan begins from the time it’s manufactured until it’s driven its last kilometre.

The electric car has a clear advantage over gas cars. It emits three times less greenhouse gas (GHG).

After using one for just two years, it surpasses its gas-powered counterpart in terms of helping the environment. After 300,000 km (average lifespan of a vehicle), EVs reduce their ecological footprint by 55-80% compared to gas cars.

Why so much concern over GHG?

When found in the earth’s atmosphere, GHGs (This hyperlink will open in a new tab). help to maintain heat near the planet’s surface.

For nearly two decades, the natural concentration of some of these gases has been increasing. This includes carbon dioxide (CO2). It stems mostly from burning gas, diesel and charcoal. Conclusion? Traditional fuels used for our transportation methods are part of the problem.

GHG emissions wreak all kinds of havoc depending on the area of the planet, with rising temperatures and their impact on water (This hyperlink will open in a new tab)..

Beneva has committed to reducing its GHG emissions by 50% by 2030, and 100% by 2040 to contribute to the creation of a greener world.

2. Reliable ...even in winter.

Being more eco-friendly is an excellent reason to go electric, but there are many other factors to consider, including reliability.

  • The car starts seamlessly during winter. The weather no longer affects the car's parts.
  • EV batteries last longer than gas cars.
  • The road traction of heavier EVs surpasses gas-powered cars.
  • They also handle better on slippery roads.

As for comfort, we recommend pre-heating your car. Just plan your departure time in advance to defrost your windows.

3. It’s also more economical!

Both on the federal and provincial level, many subsidies such as the Roulez vert (This hyperlink will open in a new tab). program, exist to encourage people to go electric. However, the subsidy amounts have decreased over the years.

The major benefit for you is when you recharge your battery at home. It costs approximately $1 to completely recharge your car’s battery. This depends on the size of your battery, however.

With gas prices about $2/litre, it’s smarter to go green.

Still not convinced? Check out how Hydro-Québec calculates how much you can save by switching from gas to electric (This hyperlink will open in a new tab)..

4. It’s good for your health!

Yes you read that right!

With an electric car, you can say goodbye to the air pollution caused by gas vehicles.

The pollutants from our engines make it difficult to breathe the ambient air. According to the World Health Organization (This hyperlink will open in a new tab)., 9 out of 10 people are exposed to air pollution levels that cause 7 million deaths a year.

5. Ingenuity under the hood

When you own an electric car, you’re driving a state-of-the-art machine! You’ll fall in love with features like connectivity or assisted parking and driving.

Another great feature is the regenerative braking system. When your car’s engine is running without consuming energy, it actually generates energy. This occurs when you brake or take your foot off the accelerator. The break pads and discs take much longer to wear out than with traditional cars.

6. A vast network of electric charging stations

How many public charging stations are there in Canada? Over 25,000! And the number is growing with each passing year as the 100% EV goal is close to being achieved.

There’s no shortage of them in Quebec as you can find 9,200 charging stations in the province, 5,120 of which are part of Hydro-Québec’s Electric Circuit (This hyperlink will open in a new tab).. By 2030, the organization intends to accelerate the charging speed by installing 250 fast-charge stations.

Recharging your vehicle during long distance trips is therefore possible. For a care-free drive, simply plan your itinerary. Figure out where you can stop to recharge.

If you travel long distances regularly, go with an EV equipped with a battery that can be recharged quickly.

7. Increasing range

Year after year, automobile manufacturers are introducing models equipped with longer lasting batteries.

In 2023, for example, vehicles could cover 400- to 500-km distances, and sometimes more.

You should know that temperature affects the number of kilometres of range displayed on your dashboard. Lithium batteries work best when the temperature is between 15o and 35o Celsius.

During the winter, the batteries take a little longer to power up.

8. You can even recycle the batteries!

Is the recycling of electric car batteries just a dream? Not anymore!

It’s a booming market right now. Some Canadian companies can recycle up to 95% of battery materials.  

Last but not least

Admit it. It’s fun to drive on lanes reserved for electric cars!

A good investment

The more technology evolves, the more EVs look like a smart choice. Considering an electric car? Once you’ve driven one, you may never go back!